Sunday, September 24, 2006

Salad Island

Personally, I prefer red wine vinaigrette or peppercorn ranch, but the hubby and kids are all about the thousand island. I used to like it, too. In my teen dieting days I forced myself to eat many a salad topped with the stuff, and I know that it tastes quite nasty coming back up. But, as I said, my husband likes it and has now introduced the kids to it.

"Mommy, I want salad island on my salad!" my son says whenever he sees greens on his plate.

Salad island. Makes sense to me. I've been enjoying his cute mistake for weeks.

Today my daughter, whom we call Little Miss Words, and whose vocabulary never fails to freak out her pediatrician, added her own interpretation.

"Do you want dressing on your salad?" I ask her.

"Yes!" She points to her plate. "I want Coney Island right there!"

So Coney Island it is. It makes it sound somewhat more palatable, makes it sound fun and whimsical and -- oh, wait, smelling a bit like greasy food upchucked into a rusty metal trash can beside the tilt-a-whirl.

Um, yeah. I think I'll stick to my "popcorn" ranch.

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