Saturday, June 03, 2006

Blessing in Disguise

Here's one of the gifts my son got for his birthday. I was not entirely enthusiastic about it until I realized A) we do have enough level room for it outside if we put it on the deck, B) it inflates or deflates in 30 seconds, C) it provides great exercise opportunities for my children, and D) it acts almost like a cage, allowing me to go for minutes at a time without being wallowed.

You have probably guessed that the anonymous little jumpers there are my son and daughter, but if you look closely, you will see my husband sitting there as well. He is being wallowed by my daughter in this particular shot. My husband, blessed with a high metabolism, a naturally small build, and an inability to eat when he is stressed, is able to get in there with both kids at the same time and still come in under the weight limit for the contraption. I alone, however, exceed the weight limit. The kids' favorite game right now is to throw balls at my husband so that he will yell, "Ow!" It's the kind of game I discourage, but hey, the cage, er, bouncer, is his domain; the hefty unwallowed one will just mind her own business this time.


Anonymous said...

Other than Lego and Lincoln Logs, I never had such cool toys as a kid. And It also makes a pretty comfy bed.

fluentsoul said...

I'm glad you can enjoy it with them, my dear.