Wednesday, April 12, 2006

From the Junk Drawer

Some miscellaneous ramblings . . .

  • I'm totally on a black bean kick lately. Last night I made black bean and carrot quesadillas, and today I had a black bean burger for breakfast and another for lunch. Yummy.
  • Being a grown-up almost made me forget that dandelions can stain your hands and that the best place to find bugs is under a big rock.
  • We're hosting a big (well, big for our small house, anyway) Passover Seder in a few days and have invited some of my family members, including my grandmother who knows very little about Judaism and who has probably never been in the same room with an open bottle of wine in her life. My husband said, "Is your grandma going to think less of me when I drink four glasses of wine?" I replied, "Well, you'll get lots of extra points for leading us in all the religious readings and prayers. Yeah, sure, she'll think you're a lush, but a religious lush, so it'll all even out."
  • I'm allergic to something. I pulled weeds yesterday and now have bumpy, itchy hands. I've never gotten poison ivy in my life, and goodness knows I've been exposed to lots of it before, so I doubt that's what it is. Hmm. If I find out it's a reaction to black beans, I'm going to be seriously upset.


Anonymous said...

Passover is a good intro to Judaism. What is not to like? Great food (matzo ball soup!), a gripping story, the chance to be put in the spot and read awkwardly out loud, and tons of wine! Just make grandma ask the 4 questions and it is a good ole' time!

My husband is not Jewish and it is one of his favorite holidays. He eats all the matzo I buy (before I can) and his sister once said "these would be nice with some ham and cheese."

fluentsoul said...

LOL -- ham and cheese on matzo! Yeah, we're hoping Grandma will enjoy herself as much as we will. At the very least, we'll have some good stories to tell.