Thursday, April 20, 2006

A-Z Meme

I wanted an easy post for today, so I took this meme from Jack.

A-Z Meme

Accent: A bit of an Appalachian accent when speaking. A bit of a "hearing accent" when using American Sign Language

Booze: Not much of a drinker. Do wine coolers count?

Chore I Hate: Putting away the folded laundry

Dogs/Cats: 2 cats, but I love dogs, too

Essential Electronics: Computer with Internet access

Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Anything other than baby spit-up

Gold & Silver: Whatever. Silver, I guess.

Hometown: Teeny tiny town in the hills of Appalachia

Insomnia: Rarely

Job Title: MOMMY!

Kids: A son and a daughter, ages almost 3 and 17 months respectively

Living Arrangements: In a house, with hubby and kids

Most Admired Trait: Admired by whom? If you ask my kids, it's my ability to make sandwiches and cut up fruit. If you ask my husband, it's . . . well, something else entirely.

Number of Sexual Partners: Sorry, but I am NOT giving out his number.

Overnight Hospital Stays: Four in all, the last of which, for a c-section from hell with a side of pre-eclampsia, lasted for thirteen days.

Phobia: Blood and spiders . . . but not so much bloody spiders.

Quote: Books are for reading, not for eating. (Sigh. I must say this twenty times a day.)

Religion: Raised Methodist, baptised because I was afraid of the demons from the sewer in Ghost, married to a Jew, raising Jewish children, considering conversion.

Siblings: One

Time I Usually Wake Up: When the little people make me.

Unusual Talent: I do a damn good chicken imitation.

Vegetable I Refuse To Eat: Refuse is a strong word, but I tend to avoid celery.

Worst Habit: Being indecisive. Well, no, no, wait. Maybe it's . . . oh, I'll have to think about it.

X-Rays: Yeah, I've had some of those.

Yummy Foods I Make: black bean soup, pasta with pomodora sauce, chocolate almond cake

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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