Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Big Three

Today is my son's third birthday. It's hard to believe it has already been three years since I lay on the operating table and listened for his first tiny cry. "He sounds like a kitten!" I said to my husband, and then we both started laughing and crying all at the same time.

We're having our families over this weekend for a party, so today's celebration is fairly low-key. My husband came home for lunch, and we let our son open his gifts then. We ate some store-bought cupcakes that my husband picked up on the way home. I'm making a big cake for the party, so I figured I'd go the easy route for today. And my son hasn't even noticed that his cupcakes have mortar boards on them.

"Hey, they're graduation cupcakes," I said to my husband. Didn't they have anything else?"

He looked at the cupcakes, allowing his surprise to show for only a second. "My mission," he shrugged, "was to get chocolate cupcakes. I got chocolate cupcakes."

I suppose we could say my son is graduating from babyhood to boyhood. But that would just make me too sad.


Susan said...

Happy Birthday! I loved three, with both my sons. And now that my last baby is turning four, I'm a little sad. I'm going to miss three.

And did someone say chocolate cupcakes?

fluentsoul said...

Oh, why do they do this growing up thing to us? Have they no pity? :-)