Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Fashion and Fuzz Balls

I got to wear a new outfit today! Aren't you excited for me? You see, I had a playdate today that I had forgotten about. Er, ahem, I mean my kids had a playdate today. One of the few friends I have within driving distance had us over this morning. Her daughter and my kids had a great time, and my friend and I got to talk grown-up -- with occasional spelling and Pig Latin thrown in, of course, since there's that little pitcher/big ear business.

And on to other business. Do you know what this little thing is?
The little white puffy thing with the red dots? There are probably a half dozen of them on our oak trees. Hmm. Are they supposed to be there? If so, why aren't there more of them? I found one on the ground, and it looks as if it has little seeds or something inside it. So much for my chrysalis theory. For a farm girl, I guess I don't know much about nature. I'd email the picture to my dad, but he hasn't even made the transition from manual to electric typewriter yet, so that's out of the question.

Perhaps I'll do a little more Internet research. Yesterday I was googling for cocoon pictures, but I was way off on that one, so maybe I'll try again with the search term . . .um . . . puff ball? Oak puff? Little red and white polka dotted puffy thing on oak tree? Oak fuzzy wuzzies? Sigh. I guess there are some things the Internet still can't do.


Susan said...

I used to get dressed up for Gymboree. Now I get dressed up for days that both kids are in school--you know, in shoes that render me completely unable to carry ANYONE.

It makes me happy.

fluentsoul said...

What, they still make shoes like that? :-)