Thursday, May 04, 2006

So Maybe the Fat Chick Isn't As Bad Off As You Thought

I got my perofluorooctanoic acid blood test reports back. Wow. That is some thorough blood work, indeed. I now know everything from my bilirubin level to my testosterone level (and I didn't even know I had one of the latter). I do have some C8 in my blood, as I expected, but I don't have a clue how much is really dangerous. It seems nobody else does either and that's why the testing is being done. My level was a pretty low number, and my mother, who is still drinking the water, had a C8 level that was more than thirteen times mine. Still, who knows how high "high" really is; it doesn't necessarily mean I'm safe or that my mother is in danger.

In other blood test news, I was quite pleased to note that my cholesterol level is significantly lower than it was six months ago. Finally, finally, some real evidence that what I'm doing is not crazy. Finally, some proof that I can improve my health without dieting or even losing weight "accidentally."

I have a check-up coming up next week. Now that I know my cholesterol levels, I have much less anxiety about it. My doctor had said my cholesterol was a little high but that my HDL/LDL ratio was good, so she didn't see any need to put me on medication. I had been afraid, though, that my cholesterol was going to be worse this time and that she would transform before my very eyes from the level-headed, HAES doctor she is to the diet-pushing kind. Now, however, it will be clear to her that, big though I may still be, I am taking good care of myself.

Look away if you must, for I shall now do the Fat Girl Dance.


Anonymous said...

Why is she still drinking the water!

By the way, I love the fat girl dance!!! :-) I too have the lowest cholesterol in my family, and I am the fattest.

fluentsoul said...

Meredith -- I CANNOT figure out why my mother still drinks the water! Maybe she thinks it's too late.

Yea on your low cholesterol! Isn't it funny how the medical community and diet industry encourage the thin to be so smug about their health? Actually,maybe its not funny. Maybe "dangerous" or "scary" might be a better word.