Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Partied Out

My son's birthday party is over, and we are all catching up on our sleep. I always seem to forget just how exhausting the party preparations can be. And my son was so excited this year that he was having trouble sleeping at night . . . which means we were all having trouble sleeping at night.

The party was a success, and we had plenty of room for both of our families since the weather was nice enough to put the tables out on the deck. We had a Very Hungry Caterpillar theme and made our own cake that was supposed to look like like the caterpillar and ended up not too far off. My husband and I totally get into the cake decorating thing, even though we are both amateurs at it. And I cut out construction paper foods with holes in them for the decorations. Oh, and the party favors? Well, the three kids (my two and one cousin) got little goody bags, but the grown-ups each got a cheap, er, nice little plant (with a hole in a leaf, of course) planted in a colorful plastic cup decorated with a cute Very Hungry Caterpillar quote and a thank-you. Ah, I have become quite the frugal party planner. Oh, and did I mention I put pipe cleaners on cheap plastic headbands so everyone could wear antennae? Yeah, I'm sure they love me for that, but they were good sports about it. My son had a wonderful time being the center of attention, eating cake, and opening presents. And we had a wonderful time watching him have so much fun.

Now, however, I am very tired. I think I need a nap before I'm up for another round of putting batteries in new birthday toys.

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