Monday, May 15, 2006

Word Verification

I don't get it. I'm good at lots of things, like word games and puzzles, and usually spelling, and even typing, so I thought. But I screw up the word verification all the time when I'm leaving comments on Blogger. Why can't I get this right?

"Type the characters you see in the picture above," it says. Well, crap, how hard can that be?

And it says something like lkkwqp, except with fancy-schmancy font. I type it, double check it, and it gives me the next message with red letters and an exclamation mark, as if to say, "What?! You got that wrong?!?!" And it doesn't even give me a second chance with the original "word." Oh, no, I get a whole new one to screw up.

My self-esteem can't handle much more of this commenting business.

Oh, and the last comment I left . . . I'm not entirely sure, but I think the word verification characters were an anagram for loser.

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